Monday, April 14, 2008

No Wonder The Middle East is Full of Suicide Bombers

It's no surprise that these people (yes, I said "these people") are strapping bombs to themselves and loading up their vehicles with leftover mortar rounds. Iraq is literally hot as hell, they cover their women from head to toe (you know they are hairy and sweaty) and whenever I see one on TV, they look like they have a cactus in their butt, or deer antlers. One of the two.

Guys, guys, guys... let your women wear some shorts and a tank top, sell your bombs and buy air conditioners, and you might just stop being so angry all of the time. Stop bending over when deer run by too.

It's worth a try.

Now, if I can just figure out how to translate this into Arabic and send it to the Al Qaeda bases we'll be good to go.

Any help?

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