Thursday, April 3, 2008


Ok, so I've jumped into the next world of self-advertising media... just because I thought your world might be a better place with more me in it. Nah. Not really here for me.

I really did this so that I can leave stupid comments on my sis' blog, respond to all of the screaming child videos, study the pictures that Kourtney draws and submit them to people who solve hieroglyphics and other tribal artwork because I have no idea what she is creating. I can't talk much, though, as I was never much of an artist myself. I mostly drew Ninja Turtles beating up my English and Math teacher... things like that.

Not sure how often I'll be on here, but we'll see how the first few weeks go.

Take it easy. The fun begins... now! No, wait... NOW!



Johnson said...

YEAH!!!! Welcome to the blogosphere. The Damascus homes blog DOES NOT count.

I am so excited. I never read myspace blogs, but I check my blogging friends every day.

Johnson said...

Oops, that was me - Kelly.

Unknown said...

Should have started a wordpress blog. It's a little easier for me to track and use since I have an account over there. You can still change now before you get this thing rolling. Trav hooked me up.