Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Letter To Interlink Control

Today I will be writing Interlink Control a letter and submitting them to the Better Business Bureau. I don't know that anything can be done at this point, but I'm going to go down fighting these little homos. As soon as the cancellation is final, we'll be picking up service with the award winning alarm company named Alarm Force.


Keith Courtney said...
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Unknown said...

I would think again before going with alarmforce, the hardware they give you is cheap and easily disabled, it false alarmed on me 3 times for no reason. City sent a $100 fine each time.

The hardware is also a little buggy, I often have to enter my code 2-3 times before it actually disables.

The contract you sign with them cannot be canceled as I found out today, which means I have to keep the pos for another 9 months!

Anonymous said...

I would disagree with you intelli-gent. I have been utilizing AlarmForce service for 6 years now and i have had only the problem of battery replacement being delayed. They are the best burglar alarm system around.