Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Heat Blasting Redneck Cooking Ghetto Fools in Loganville, GA

I've never in my life had to reside in a building that was 97 degrees... until yesterday. Our AC is broken and Atlanta, GA is breaking heat records every day. We sure do know how to pick the times for "life" to happen.

At any rate, I figured you'd enjoy my redneck/ghetto pictures of the portable AC unit that I stole/borrowed from work. It's good for cooling a space the size of a pants pocket. Yeah... like a pocket in your pants; about 8 cubic INCHES! It basically doesn't work in our master bedroom at all, so my wife and I have been guests at our own house for the last couple of nights. The thing works ok in the guest bedroom which is smaller. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Johnson said...

That is hilarious. The unit is as big as the guest bed.
